1 Your performance review forms should be guided by an evaluation questionnaire Ensure that you are aware of the items that you need to assess so you can easily point out how these items can affect the business 2 Create a performance review form that is understandablePerformance Appraisal Plan Examples Evaluation will be by the supervisor through (1) observation, (2) review of work product results, and (3) PERFORMANCE PLAN, PROGRESS REVIEW AND APPRAISAL WORKSHEET 1 NAME (Last, First, MI) 2 POSITION TITLE Citizen, Jane Q8//15 · To do this, Ollie needs to use clear examples and effective phrases in his selfevaluation Here are some examples of key topics and statements that employees like Ollie can touch on in their performance reviews Attitude I always try to keep a positive attitude to show how much I enjoy my job Every day I come to work with a smile on my face Free 55 Sample Self Assessment Forms In Pdf Ms Word Excel Appraisal answers self evaluation for performance review examples p...